


Join The Theorists as they wade through the BS and be inspired by the possibilities. An open-minded comedy podcast discussing: Space exploration, the UFO and ET phenomenon, cold case mysteries, conspiracy theories, cryptozoology and anything else in the world of the weird. Think a mix of Joe Rogan/Last Podcast on the Left/Trailer Park Boys

Category: Comedy Interviews

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The Westall UFO Event | Case File 318

1966, beneath the broad blue skies of Melbourne, Australia, a quiet suburb was thrust into the annals of UFO lore. This extraordinary day saw more than 200 students and teachers become inadvertent witnesses to an inexplicable spectacle—an eerie, silver object gliding silently above, then disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.The event sparked a frenzy of activity, with government agents descending on the scene, whispers of cover-ups, and frantic scrambles to explain away the unexplainable. Yet, the incident refuses to be dismissed or forgotten, lingering in the collective memory as a beacon of the unexplained and a symbol of the potential for otherworldly visitation.This case file, join the Theorists as they have a ripsnorter discussing schoolyard flying saucers in…The Westall UFO Event

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